

This website belongs to Lighthouse International Migration and Education Consultancy. By using it you accept these conditions:

1. Accuracy of information

Lime Consultancy cannot guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of information contained in this website and makes no representations on its suitability. We have tried our best to ensure that all information is correct, however at times when the rules changes, we may not be able to immediately update the details on the website. If you believe any information on this website is incorrect, please contact us.

2. Links to our affiliations / partner organizations or institutions

We make every effort to ensure that links on this website are up-to-date, but depend on the owners of the linked websites to let us know about changes required. We provide links for the ease and convenience of users, but this does not mean we endorse the websites involved. If you do find any wrong information, please contact us.

3. Loss or damage

To the extent permitted by law, Lime Consultancy is not liable for loss or damage arising from your use of, or reliance on, the information on or accessed through this website whether or not caused by negligence on the part of the Lime Consultancy or its employees / agents. As a user, you are responsible for all risks arising from using this website.

4. Guaranteed Visa

While we will do every legal thing possible to get the visa, LIME cannot guarantee the outcome of any application. We will strive to ensure that each and every application is a success, however the final outcome will not be only dependant on us, as there will be many underlying factors outside our scope that can influence adversely, and hence we will not be able to guarantee any outcome.

5. Payments to Lime Consultancy:

When you make a payment to Lime Consultancy, it is your right to demand a receipt for the same. Lime Consultancy issues receipts for all payments made to the company. An acknowledgement of payments will be made by Lime Consultancy. If you have any questions regarding payments to Lime Consultancy, please send an email to accounts@limemigration.com.  If any LIME staff members offer to edit or change your profile for any additional fee other than what is already informed to you, we strongly recommend that you inform the management so that we can take suitable action against the employee. Please note that the management / company will not be liable or responsible if you enter into any verbal or written agreement with a LIME staff / representative or reference.

6. Falsifying of information or producing false documents

LIME would never recommend any client to produce fake documents or provide incorrect and misleading information. We will assume that all the information passed on to us, are correct and incase if fraudulent documentation or information was provided, LIME takes no responsibility for the same. In such a scenario, if the visa is rejected, LIME will not refund any money paid till that point. Moreover any expense that LIME Consultancy has to bear will also be charged to the client.